Ansche Chesed Men’s Shelter

251 West 100th Street
New York, NY - 10025
(212) 865-0600
Fax Number: (212) 865-1700


Ansche Cheseds mens homeless shelter operates all year.

Every night the shelter serves 10 male guests who have been pre-screened by our partners, the Mainchance Drop-In Center (part of Grand Central Neighborhood Social Services), Project Reachout (part of Goddard Riverside Community Center) and the Jewish Board of Family and Childrens Services.

Provides showers, food, and clothing; medical, psychiatric care; drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs.

Help the clients to collect benefits and manage their money.

After staying at Ansche Cheseds, clients often move into subsidized or transitional housing.

The shelters role is to be a safe place for guests to wash, eat, relax, and sleep.

Mission Statement: We are Ansche Chesed, people of kindness. We dedicate our community to study that stretches the mind, ritual that moves the heart and caring deeds that improve the world.

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