ERIE The Community of Caring
ERIE The Community of Caring
459 West 6th St.
Erie, PA - 16503
(814) 456-6661
We provide a variety of sheltering services, hearty daily meals, networking and social agency awareness and more.
The Community of Caring (COC) was founded in 1980 by the Rev. Charles and Mother Mary Beth Kennedy to respond to unmet human needs: hunger, homelessness, illness and others.
Office hours Monday Friday 7 AM 5 PM
Shelter hours Sunday Saturday 7 AM 10 PM
Lived in this shelter for six months, so I know about this place from direct experience. In the first week of every month the Director collects all EBT (Food Stamp) cards from the people who are staying there. Anyone staying in this shelter more than one night, is required to hand over a current, valid EBT card. Residents are told that the "Chef" will take all of the cards to Giant Eagle, for purchase of food for the "Community of Caring". I never understood how this could be done, as use of an EBT card requires entry of a passcode. They did not ask for passcodes, so I never understood how they could be using our cards, for purchases in a supermarket. I never asked questions because I wanted to start classes for my degree, and at the time I did not have money for a rental. Even with handing over our EBT cards we did not always receive full meals in the dining hall. There were weeks through which the staff served peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. One time the "chef" told a staff member to open a donated box of Wraps. These were served, even with the totally black remains of lettuce inside. As the Director had collected our EBT cards, and this "chef" had used all of the funds, residents really had no way to purchase their own food. They received donated pastries in the morning, and donated food (such as those Wraps, which we could not eat) for dinner. We always received our EBT cards with all funds used. When I started asking for a receipt, for whatever was purchased with my card, the staff, and especially THE CHEF, started harassing me. They made false accusations and then ordered me out, on the basis of those false accusations. Community of Caring is a horrible place.