Goodwill Rescue Mission

79 University Ave
Newark, NJ - 07102
(973) 621-9560


Goodwill Rescue Mission empowers the poor, homeless, and addicted of Newark to encounter Christ through compassionate care and comprehensive life transformation that meets immediate needs and encourages many to dare to hope for a life of dignity and dedication to being a contributing member of their community.
Goodwill Rescue Mission offers hope to hundreds of men, women, and children suffering from homelessness, addiction, hunger, and abuse. Well serve over 100,000 meals to hungry people in need this year.
Every meal at Goodwill Rescue Mission comes with a smile, friendship, and HOPE for a new life.
The meal you provide could lead a homeless person to counseling, addiction recovery, job training, and employment.

User questions and answers

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  • Jul 2, 2022

    Hello or should I say Good Afternoon! The Goodwill has a banner on the fence saying a meeting with the Central Planning Board is on the agenda. They also say they are Temporarily closed and plan to reopen. Thank You!

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