Hope Station
Hope Station
919 S Magnolia St
Palestine, TX - 75801
(903) 723-2930
Rehabilitation for the poor and homeless.
Re-sale store to aid our efforts while providing items to help those we have the opportunity to serve.
Biblical counseling.
Personal advocacy.
Meeting individual needs in order to progress in THRIVE rehabilitation program.
Long term goals include: Transportation bus ministry, Long term transitional housing facility, emergency shelter, day care center.
Monday Thursday 9:00 am 3:00 pm
User questions and answers
Help our users find out more about Hope Station.Yes
Do yall provide motel vouchers?
I recently got out of jail to find my house burnt to the ground, I have no where to go.
What are the requirements for your program to help me.
can talk help us out with my hotel room I been homeless me a my wife thus is the last day in the mote.