Simon House, Inc.
Simon House, Inc.
208 West Campbell Street
Frankfort, KY - 40601
(502) 223-2138
Services:Serves homeless pregnant women, single women with children, participants must be 18 years of age (6 adult beds, 10 children, length of stay up to 24months); residential program requires educational goals, financial goals, parenting goals and personal goals. There are no costs for the residents.Financial help to establish a stable household in the community for residents. Case manager and Community prevention specialists available.Community clients are below 30% median income families; we provide financial counseling, baby items, children's clothing and shoes and personal care items. No financial assistance to community clients but will refer to other agencies that do fund.
Mission Statement: SIMON House is a nonprofit agency that provides emergency shelter to homeless women who are pregnant or have children, and provides social services in our region through our community programs in a safe, stable, healthy and barrier-free environment. By doing so, we help people become self-sufficient and productive members of our community. In collaboration with other agencies, we provide services and referrals to low-income families to prevent them from experiencing the trauma of homelessness.
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Yes it does, they are building a shelter as well.
They are very sweet and understanding
Is their any emergency help for men . I have someone that's literally homeless due to being displaced over divorce and he has serious health problems . I need any and all advice I can get. Thank you.