Denver Rescue Mission Lawrence Street Shelter
Denver Rescue Mission Lawrence Street Shelter
1130 Park Ave. West
Denver, CO - 80205
Fax Number: (303) 295-1566
Denver Rescue Missions Lawrence Street Shelter is the Missions most well-known and most recognizable location. It provides emergency care to the poor and homeless and is an entry point for many of our New Life Program participants.
Open 365 days a year, the Lawrence Street Shelter offers 200 beds, and up to 100 additional cots during inclement weather, for a total of 300 male-only overnight guests. Our clinic, located here, provides medical care (mainly for program residents) and referrals. Daily chapel and Sunday church services are offered for all; however, chapel attendance is not required in order to enjoy a meal or a bed.
Men wishing to make positive life changes by entering our New Life Program also stay at the shelter during a probationary period known as "program candidacy."