LIHEAP Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program Maine
LIHEAP Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program Maine
353 Water Street
Augusta, ME - 04330
(207) 626-4689
Fax Number: (207) 624-5780
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides money to help low-income homeowners and renters pay for heating costs.
The amount of assistance you may get from LIHEAP is based on your household size and income, energy costs, and other factors.
You may be eligible for assistance if your total household income falls within the income eligibility guidelines or 60% of the state area median income, whichever is less. Eligibility for households with incomes between 150% and 170% of the federal poverty guidelines is limited to those households with a member who is susceptible to hypothermia, such as elderly, a child twenty-four months of age or under, or with a doctor's diagnosis.
If your heat is included in your rent, you may still apply for LIHEAP.
Additional help may be available if you have less than a 3-day supply of heating fuel or are in danger of having utility services disconnected and you have no means to pay your energy company.
Mission Statement: The mission of MaineHousing is to assist Maine people in obtaining and maintaining quality affordable housing and services suitable to their housing needs.