LIHEAP Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program Missouri
LIHEAP Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program Missouri
615 Howerton Court
Jefferson City, MO - 65102
(573) 526-0677
Fax Number: (573) 522-9557
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) can help you in two ways: Energy Assistance/Regular Heating (EA) and Energy Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP).
Energy Assistance (EA) helps you with a one-time payment for your primary heating bills from November through March.
The Energy Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP) helps pay your fuel bill when your energy is shut off or is threatened to be shut off. The amount of help you receive is based on the amount of money needed to settle your crisis with the energy provider.
The ECIP is available during the following months:
Winter ECIP is available November through May based on funding; the maximum amount you could receive is $800
Summer ECIP is available June through September based on funding; the maximum amount you could receive is $300