Liheap Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program Hawaii
Liheap Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program Hawaii
820 Mililani Street, Suite 606
Honolulu, HI - 96813
(808) 586-5734
Fax Number: (808) 586-5744
LIHEAP provides heating and/or cooling assistance to needy Hawaii households by assisting with payments towards their utility bill (electric or gas) in two ways:
Energy Crisis Intervention (ECI) program assists with up to $350 to restore or prevent termination of power to the residence of a household whose electricity or gas has been shut off within 60 days or is about to be terminated within 7 days. This is a one-time only payment which will be deposited directly into their utility account.
The Energy Credit (EC) program provides needy households who are not in crisis with a one-time payment which will be deposited directly into their utility account.
To be eligible for the program an application must be submitted with all individuals (related or unrelated) living at the residence. Verification of Social Security numbers for all household members, identification for all adults, must be a U.S. citizen or meet permanent residency requirements, income, and utility bills must be submitted when determining eligibility for the program. Applications for this program are taken annually, currently in June.
Mission Statement: The mission of the Hawaii State Commission on Fatherhood is to promote healthy family relationships between parents and children by emphasizing the important role fathers play in the lives of their children. The Commission serves in an advisory capacity to state agencies and makes recommendations on programs, services, contracts, policies, and laws relating to children and families.