Brookview House

2 Brookview Street
Dorchester, MA - 02124
(617) 265-2965

Brookview House is an independent, non-profit organization founded in 1990. Our missionis to help homeless and at risk families learn the skills necessary to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty.
With sites in Roxbury and Dorchester, Brookview provides these women and their children with a safe to live and programs to build their self-esteem. These families practice the skills necessary to thrive as active and integral members of their community and, by so doing, improves the community for all of us.

When Brookview House opened its doors in 1990 two bedroom apartments rented for less than $600 and families who are primarily women with kids were the smallest segment of the homeless population. Since then, much has changed. Family homelessness has escalated and faced with rents they cannot afford, families appeal to state agencies for shelter. Every night thousands of families live in shelters and the state has opened motels to accommodate the overflow.

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