StandUp For Kids - DC
StandUp For Kids - DC
PO Box 75983
Washington, DC - 20013
(202) 560-6983
Since May 2011, we have been connecting homeless and at-risk youth in DC with much-needed services around the District. We engage youth through street outreach and outreach centers at different locations throughout the city. The work we do is a very effective combination of stand-alone StandUp For Kids activities and collaborations with other youth-serving organizations. As a volunteer with StandUp For Kids - DC you will have a great opportunity to engage directly with youth in ways that are effective and impactful.
Services Provided:
Street Outreach: The first and most important step in engaging homeless youth in a meaningful way is consistency. Meeting kids where they are at and showing up on a consistent basis are key to building a relationship based on trust. Establishing that connection lets kids know that there are adults who genuinely care about them and their well-being. Creating this essential bond is the first step toward helping these kids get off the streets and live a better life. We conduct outreach through two activities: street outreach and drop-in centers. Street Outreach counselors go out to the streets to reach homeless kids. DC's outreach counselors hit the streets to connect with District youth every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening. If you want to be a counselor, check out the steps to get involved.
Outreach Center: Outreach Centers are in a few locations in DC. Our volunteers staff drop-in centers for 2-3 hours a night at local libraries and other spaces donated by community organizations. The closure of the Martin Luther King, Jr. library at Gallery Place (a primary resource for the homeless population of DC) has created an urgent need in the homeless community, especially with homeless youth. We are redoubling our efforts at other libraries in the District and we need lots of volunteers! The more volunteers we have, the more of these centers we are able to operate and reach kids during this time of increased urgency.