Union Gospel Mission
Union Gospel Mission
3 NW Third Ave.
Portland, OR - 97209
(503) 274-4483
Union Gospel Mission provides more than 200,000 meals a year to the homeless and people in need. In addition to meals, the mission provides food boxes, a day room with coffee and snacks, clothing, hygiene items, referral services and emergency cold weather shelter to the homeless.
6:30 am: Sack lunch distribution. Closed the rest of the day on Mondays.
Tuesday Friday
6:30 am: Sack lunch distribution.
Wednesday and Friday Only 6:30 am: Hot breakfast is served.
10:00 am 11:45 am: Snacks, beverages, referrals, and Christian spiritual support/prayer. Clothing and restroom available most days.
2:00 pm 4:00 pm: At 2:00 pm lunch is provided.
After 2:00: Snacks, beverages, referrals, and Christian spiritual support/prayer. Clothing and restroom available most days.
Fridays Only 11:30 am 12:30 pm (approx.): Food boxes available while supplies last. A person is eligible for a food box once every 30 days. Numbers for food boxes are distributed at 11:30 am on Fridays.
7:10 pm: Chapel service and hot dinner.
2:00 pm 4:00 pm: Snacks, beverages, referrals, and Christian spiritual support/prayer. Clothing room and restroom available most days.